In the age of cannabis as a health and wellness holy grail, the joy of taking an edible with your buddies and kicking back is beginning to look like a thing of the past. At High Dose, we’re not health-hero-haters, but we think there’s still a time and place when good weed can just be good weed. That’s why we created High Dose gummies: delicious gummies, infused with a f*ck-ton of the highest quality THC around, that are made with a good time in mind.
2 reviews for High Dose – Gummies (1000mg)
Rated 5 out of 5
Puffpuffpass (verified owner)–
I’ve always been skeptical of gummies, I’ve purchased in the past and disappointed. THESE ON THE OTHER HAND,,the gummie come in a very pleasant, and tasting, clover leaf. So I chewed 1/3 of the clover leaf, 333 mg, it started in less than half hour. It was a slap in the face wake up call..”hey buddy..enjoy your trip”. Its been 5 hours now, I’m still mush mind…NO COMPLAINTS !! I bought a cherry and the tropical fruit is what I had today. I want to compare this to a grounded sorta acid trip haha…ah the memories.
I am reordering 1 of every flavor now!!!
You don’t need any pot, booze, nothing when you try these!
This is one of my new best favorites DD !!
You made my day a wonderful trip,TYVM
Rated 5 out of 5
Ellen Keyeux (verified owner)–
I have been a smoker for 16 yrs but never tried edibles until these. For me I cut it up into about 55mg pieces and it is a nice chill high. Keeps me calm and helps with my stomach problems a bit. That a few times a day and I could almost stop smoking.
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Puffpuffpass (verified owner) –
I’ve always been skeptical of gummies, I’ve purchased in the past and disappointed. THESE ON THE OTHER HAND,,the gummie come in a very pleasant, and tasting, clover leaf. So I chewed 1/3 of the clover leaf, 333 mg, it started in less than half hour. It was a slap in the face wake up call..”hey buddy..enjoy your trip”. Its been 5 hours now, I’m still mush mind…NO COMPLAINTS !! I bought a cherry and the tropical fruit is what I had today. I want to compare this to a grounded sorta acid trip haha…ah the memories.
I am reordering 1 of every flavor now!!!
You don’t need any pot, booze, nothing when you try these!
This is one of my new best favorites DD !!
You made my day a wonderful trip,TYVM
Ellen Keyeux (verified owner) –
I have been a smoker for 16 yrs but never tried edibles until these. For me I cut it up into about 55mg pieces and it is a nice chill high. Keeps me calm and helps with my stomach problems a bit. That a few times a day and I could almost stop smoking.